Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here's another pic of Hudson

being cute. Hey, at this point that's what he does! He steals the hearts of everyone he meets with his eyelashes and coos.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2 month appointment!

Hudson had his 2 month well baby check-up yesterday. It is a little annoying to pay $20 every few weeks just to be told what I already know...happy and healthy baby! But at least you get a nice little ego stroke on what a wonderful parenting job you are doing!

So Mr. Hudson is weighing in at a healthy 13lbs, 6oz which is the 86th percentile. Even though this is my third baby, I am still in awe over how my own body and milk that I produce is enough to grow and nurture this little being! That's 4 pounds 2oz (if my sleepy brain math is correct...) from his birth weight in just 2 months! He is 23 3/4 inches long, 73% for height and up 3 1/4 inches from birth! He is also a little ahead of the curve as far as developmental milestones. He can hold his head/shoulders off the ground very well, he rolls from tummy to back and he tracks people across a room. He's another little smarty-pants Gerrits baby! His pediatrician was checking how well he held up his head while on his tummy and wasn't expecting him to start rolling, he laid all over her stethoscope and supplies while she tried to grab him LOL He also smiles and coos like crazy, he was talking to the mural on the wall the whole time we were there.



snug in his carseat

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

6 week pics!



Adorable even when he's mad LOL

I was trying to get a good smile pic which is hard when I'm trying to hold the camera on my shoulder that feels like it weighs a ton with all it's accessories and make goofy faces to get a smile out of him LOL

Monday, December 1, 2008

6 weeks old!!!

We had a good time with Marisol, one of our midwives, at Hudson's 6 week check. He is doing fabulous, up to 12lbs 12oz, which is 1 1/2 lbs up in 3 weeks and starting to wear 3-6 mos clothing already! Where has the time gone?

Last week my family was up for Thanksgiving and we had a great time! Hudson slept thru most of it, but he also had fun making faces at everyone and getting them to make goo goo faces at him in an effort to get a precious smile. I will add some pictures soon!

Monday, November 24, 2008

5 weeks old!


Sleepy babe

Hunka hunka burnin' love

Monday, November 17, 2008

Isn't he just a doll?






4 weeks old!!!

And his first real smile today! It was just for his big brother...oh I can just see the love now! They are going to be best buds! He saved his second smile for mommy and then fell asleep. I know daddy is looking forward to seeing it and I hope to have the camera out to catch the next one! It's so terribly sweet and delicious!

Hudson is still sleeping most of the time or eating but sometimes he likes to hang out in his bouncy chair or on a blanket on the floor. He quiets when he hears Madelyn and Jonas talking and likes it when they sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to him. Madelyn is very good at comforting him while Mommy is away. They both still just love him to pieces and always want to touch or hold him.

I can't believe how fast this month has gone! Last week at our visit with the midwives, he weighed 11 lbs 4oz! He's got chubby little cheeks and a double chin now! I think he'll be a chubster just like his big brother and sister were!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

17 days...










Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2 week check-up!

Hudson went in to see the pediatrician for the first time today! He weighed in at 10 pounds 4 oz and 21.5 inches!!! He's doing great!

Monday, November 3, 2008

more pics!!!





2 weeks old today!!! It was beautiful outside! Sunny and 75 degrees!






Friday, October 31, 2008

Tiny fingers


Isn't he gorgeous!

Sleepy guy

aww Mom, stop taking my picture already!

For Mimi

Your little moose man


Monday, October 27, 2008

1 week visit

Today our MW came by our home again (we also had a visit at 3 days old) to see how we were doing. Everything is going great! Hudson was weighed today and he is 9 pounds 8oz (fully clothed, so she's guessing him to be about 9lbs 5oz or 6oz) and that's AWESOME! A breastfed baby on average gains about 4 to 7oz every week in the first month and leaving on his umbilical cord until the placenta was birthed and stopped pulsing helped to keep him from loosing any weight after birth, which up to 10% weight loss is seen as "normal". So he gained like 7oz and didn't lose any birth weight either!

Mama and baby are doing wonderfully! Hudson's posterior head molding is almost completely gone, but he is having some classic signs of needing a chiro adjustment including favoring one side for nursing, not turning his head fully to one side and having his thumbs inside his fists. Jonas also had some of these signs and after one adjustment he was just fine! We will be visiting the chiropractor, a friend of mine whom I've been seeing weekly for adjustments for over 6 months, this week. Next week, is our first pediatrician appt and in 3 weeks we have another visit from our midwives to see how we are doing during our postpartum period. One of my mama friends stopped by today with some yummy soup and pumpkin pie so we'll be enjoying that for dinner tonight!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

3 days old!!!




Tuesday, October 21, 2008





Happy Birthday!

Hudson William Gerrits
Born at home on October 20th, 2008
8 pounds 14 oz
20.5 inches long
at 3:49pm